Hennessey Venom F5 sets sights on leaving Chiron behind

Hennessey Venom F5 sets sights on leaving Chiron behind

American super car makers Hennessey have announced the Venom F5, to be created with the sole aim of being the fastest production car ever. Interestingly, the car is named after the F5 tornado that generates a wind speed of about 300mph (480kmph)! The Venom F5 will get a bespoke chassis built ground up with the sole purpose of snatching the fastest title from the Chiron. John Hennessey, the man behind Venom, has been working on the Venom F5 since 2014 and the car is expected to debut this year. Hennessey had earlier aimed at 290mph (464kmph) in the year 2014, but now with the bespoke chassis and the all-new aerodynamics it seems that the F5 might just become a whooshing tornado like its namesake, becoming the first production car to break the 300mph barrier. Stay tuned for more on this!